The FWF-project “Cultural Transfer of Music between Byzantium and the West” was prominently presented at the exhibition “Byzantium and the West – A 1000 Lost Years” at Schallaburg Castle/Austria from 17 March – 11 Nov 2018

Presentation of the Paper

“Missa graeca or the Faszination of Greek in the Early Middle Ages”
9 Sept 2018, Schallaburg

The exhibition was organized by:

Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz together with Leibniz WissenschaftsCampus Mainz and the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Current research-projects were invited to be presented at the exhibition with exhibits and public talks.

One room at the Castle for the project

Room IX was dedicated to the chants of the "Missa Graeca": "The Fascination of the Foreign" was the apt title for the manuscripts on display:

Interview on the exhibition:


"Missa graeca: Mythen und Fakten um Griechische Gesänge in westlichen Handschriften"

In connection with the exhibition a scientific companion volume was published under the title "Menschen, Bilder, Sprache, Dinge: Wege der Kommunikation zwischen Byzanz und dem Westen".

The article concerning the Missa Graeca can be found here (in German):